Azoth (from the Transmutation Series)
Limited edition gold-toned silver gelatin print
on fiber paper from camera-less photograph
16" x 16" (image) 24" x 24" (framed)
Inspired by the ancient practice of Alchemy, I created the Transmutation Series by mixing my blood with insulin, sugar, and light-sensitive chemistry in petri dishes. I exposed these to the sun for several days to transform the contents into crystalline formations and then inserted them into my enlarger to make silver gelatin prints, which I subsequently toned in gold chloride.

Infinite Potential (from the Stream of Consciousness Series)
Cyanotype on cotton rag paper contact printed from a single roll of 120 film
6" x 36" (image) 9.25" x 40.25" (framed)
Infinite Potential is a single panoramic negative created in-camera through a series of partially overlapping exposures on black-and-white 120 film. I printed the negative by exposing it in the sun for four hours on cotton rag paper coated with cyanotype.