Next? (Target Series)
mixed media, acrylic, charcoal, colored pencil
10.5" x 10.5" (unframed) 20.5" x 20.5" (framed)
The ‘Targets’ series reflects the random acts of violence that have become all too commonplace. It would be naïve to suggest there are simple solutions to the issue of gun control in such a diverse society. However, limited changes to current gun laws would no doubt save lives; more complete background checks, limited availability of high capacity clips, bans on-line sales of guns & monitoring those who are amassing arsenals of ammo are just a few. This issue must not be ignored. If nothing is done, we are all possible targets.
Next addresses the alarming increase in school shootings by posing the question, “Which school is next?” I am so pleased to be included in this show; I was a student at UC Berkeley when the Stockton school shooting occurred. I remain as shocked at the thought of children as ‘targets’ as I was that day.