Karen Swyler
Artist Website Link



cone 6 slip cast porcelain

12" x 8" x 5"


This work investigates subtleties in communication and the importance of the lasting effects individuals can have on each other. The pieces are metaphors for fleeting human experiences often not valued until they have passed. The vessels function on a variety of levels to preserve these ephemeral experiences. Sensuous surfaces, muted colors, and fluid forms create quiet relationships meant to entice visually and physically. Due to their understated nature, the nuances of these pieces take time to notice; they require close attention and a heightened level of involvement from the viewer. Closer investigation yields different colors; surfaces reveal themselves and hint at a level more sensually profound. Negative space emphasizes intimacy and adds further layers of meaning.

Inspiration for these forms and surfaces comes from a specific interest in beauty found in nature. The subtle elegance of the shapes and plumages of birds in particular, plays an important role in decisions regarding form and surface.