Delta College campus
Press Release

Media Advisory
For More Information Contact:
Pedro Ramirez
GED/English Instructor/Cultural Awareness Programs Advisor
(209) 954-5612

For Immediate Release
                                   Author Sam Quinones Visits Delta College, Oct. 3-4
                                                     "Telling your True Tales"
Delta's Cultural Awareness Program (CAP) presents celebrated author/journalist Sam Quinones, author of the ground breaking novel: Antonio's Gun and Delfino's Dream, Stories of Immigration. The focus of his presentation will be: Telling your True Tales:  An Experiment in Storytelling. Mr. Quinones' motivational presentation will take place Oct. 3 – 4, at 9 a.m. in the Goleman Library Reading Room, and again on Oct. 4 at 11 a.m. in Atherton Auditorium. A book-signing will follow the program.

Admission is free!

Sam Quinones is a former Delta College student who currently works for the Los Angeles Times. One of his goals is to inspire high school and college students to write their "True Tales.”  Quinones says, “This will be our ‘Experiment in Storytelling.’” 

Sam Quinones promises to help aspiring authors with their prose if they accept his writing experiment challenge. “Got a true tale to tell?” probes Quinones. “Did something happen to you? How about a relative, friend, or someone from your hometown? Anything offbeat, gripping, heartwarming or tear-jerking? Write it! No more than 750 words…English or Spanish. Send it in. I can't pay anything, but I’ll edit it. We'll talk about how to improve it, and I'll put it on my web site for the world to read!"

Sounds like a pretty good deal! Contact: with your True Tales: An Experiment in Storytelling.

 Author Sam Quinones Visits Delta College, Oct. 3 & 4. True Tales: An Experiment in Storytelling.
