RAD 020 - Advanced Radiographic Positioning and Terminology - Units 4

Prerequisites: RAD-011, Radiographic Positioning and Terminology, with a grade of "C" or better.

Corequisites: RAD-020A, Advanced Clinical Laboratory, and RAD-021, Advanced Radiographic Anatomy, and RAD-022, Fundamentals of X-Ray and Radium Physics.

Limitations on Enrollment: Admission to the Radiological Technology Program.

This course is designed to introduce positioning techniques, medical terminology, related anatomy, and preparation for specialized procedures including radoigraphy: the bony thorax, skull, facial bones, sinuses, mastoids, urinary and biliary systems, circulatory systems, female reproductive system, sialography, tomography, pediatric radiography, and arthrography. Proper equipment selection, immobilization, and radiation protection procedures are stressed. Proper demonstration and identification of required anatomical structures are supported through film critique sessions of radiographs. An introduction to Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is included. (CSU)