ESL 080 - Low-Intermediate English as a Second Language Speaking/Listening - Units 3

Prerequisite Skills: 1. Appropriate Level I placement based on the current entry exam and multiple measures. Reading and writing level 1 is appropriate for the ESL course sequence. For success in ESL 80 it is necessary for students to read, write, and communicate at the Low-Intermediate ESL level.

Advisories: - Students are strongly advised to enroll concurrently in the ESL reading/writing course of the appropriate level (ESL 82, ESL 85, or ESL 88) based on placement exam scores and multiple measures.

In addition, students are strongly advised to enroll concurrently in the ESL grammar course of the appropriate level (ESL 82, ESL 85, or ESL 88) based on placement exam scores and multiple measures. This course is designed to develop listening comprehension and oral proficiency of standard spoken English at the low-intermediate level. Listening focuses on comprehension of modified spoken English, vocabulary in context, and ideas in speeches and discussions. Speaking focuses on clear pronunciation of common words and phrases, continued development of fluency in conversation, and proficiency in initiating, sustaining, and ending oral communication in a variety of contexts. Units earned in this course do not count toward the associate degree.