One Level Up Course Descriptions |
In This Section CDEV 015 - Selected Topics: Child Development - Units 0.5-4 CDEV 021 - Child and Adolescent Development - Units 3 CDEV 025 - Observation and Assessment - Units 3 CDEV 026 - Child, Family and Community - Units 3 CDEV 027 - Culture and Diversity in Early Childhood Education - Units 3 CDEV 028 - Child Health, Safety and Nutrition - Units 3 CDEV 029 - Early Childhood Experiences: Arts and Sciences - Units 3 CDEV 030 - Early Childhood Experiences: Language Arts - Units 3 CDEV 031A - Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children - Units 3 CDEV 031B - Introduction to ECE Curriculum - Units 3 CDEV 032A - Early Childhood Education Practicum-Field Experience - Units 3 CDEV 032B - Advanced ECE Practicum - Units 3 CDEV 033 - Infant and Toddler Development - Units 3 CDEV 034 - Children with Special Needs - Units 3 CDEV 035 - Adult Supervision and Mentoring in Early Care and Education - Units 3 CDEV 036 - Activities and Environments for School Age Child Care - Units 3 CDEV 037 - Administration I: Programs in Early Childhood Education - Units 3 CDEV 038 - Administration II: Personnel and Leadership in Early Childhood Ed - Units 3 CDEV 039 - Care and Education for Infants and Toddlers - Units 3 CDEV 050H - Special Studies: Child Development/ECE - Units 1-2 CDEV 062 - Positive Parenting - Units 1 CDEV 063 - Child Discipline - Units 1 CDEV 070 - Introduction to Family Child Care - Units 1 CDEV 071 - Children, Imagination, and Books - Units 1 CDEV 072 - Play and Learning - Units 1 CDEV 073 - Preschool Art - Units 1 CDEV 074 - Preschool Science - Units 1 CDEV 075 - Discovering Child Development - Units 2 CDEV 080 - Selected Topics: Child Development - Units 0.5-4 CDEV 093V - Work Experience: Child Development and Education - Units 1-8 |