BUS 098V - Work Experience: Business, Accounting, & Business Information Man - Units 1-4
Limitations on Enrollment: Work Experience: The student must enroll in a course in the discipline directly related to the work experience. The student must enroll in a minimum of 7 units including work experience units, during the semester. For summer session, the student must enroll in one related course in addition to work experience. The combined total number of units a student may take in work experience and occupational practice may not exceed a maximum of 16 units. Participation requires submission and approval of work experience program objectives and an employer work experience agreement.
This course is designed for the student employed in a business, banking, transportation, real estate, accounting, and business information management related positions. The course objectives are developed in consultation with a work supervisor. The student is engaged in a specific research project or on-the-job learning activities under the supervisor and the college work experience instructor. Credit may be accrued at the rate of one to 4 units per semester for a total of sixteen units. Additionally, students must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit earned. To register, complete an application form available at the Applied Science, Business and Technology Division office, Holt 140.