BIOL 003 - General Botany - Units 4
Prerequisites: BIOL-001 Core Biology with a grade of "C" or better.
This course is a study of the life and activities of plants followed by an introduction to plant physiology, plant structure, plant genetics, plant ecology, plant evolution, and a general survey of the major plant groups. A Survey of diversity is extended to both the Fungi and the Protista Kingdoms. Lastly an ecology unit is studied that investigates the ecological principles of ecosystems, communities, and of populations. The course is for the pre-professional student in the biological sciences and is fundamental for the student planning to specialize in forestry, horticulture, agriculture, food processing, pharmacy, and other subjects requiring a scientific knowledge of plant life. Field trips are included. This course meets the CSU general education laboratory science requirement and IGETC requirements. (UC, CSU)