A J 092V - Work Experience: Correctional Science - Units 1-8
Limitations on Enrollment: Work Experience: The student must enroll in a course in the discipline directly related to the work experience. The student must enroll in a minimum of 7 units including work experience units, during the semester. For summer session, the student must enroll in one related course in addition to work experience. The combined total number of units a student may take in work experience and occupational practice may not exceed a maximum of 16 units. Participation requires submission and approval of work experience program objectives and an employer work experience agreement.
Advisories: GUID-030 and GUID-031 and GUID-032 and GUID-033 each with a grade of "C" or better and.
This course is designed for the student employed in administration of justice. The course objectives are developed by the students in consultation with his or her supervisor. The student is engaged in a specific research project or on-the-job learning activities under the supervision of a worksite supervisor and a college work experience instructor. To register, complete an application form available at the Applied Science and Technology Division office, Holt 140.